Give your home the wow factor and get stunning unimpeded views with our luxury range of sliding patio doors.
Aluminium sliding patio doors are a popular choice for homeowners
Patio doors offer large glass areas and minimal sightlines.
sliding patio doors give you uninterrupted views and bringing more natural daylight into your home.
Patio doors are the perfect choice for opening up your home and seamlessly merging your garden with your living space.
The sliding Patio door company are a leading manufacturer of outstanding quality aluminium patio doors.
With over 50 years experience within the aluminium industry our team are dedicated to providing excellent quality products with excellent customer service.
O – Fixed sash. X – Opening sash. Arrows – Opening sash direction
Whether you’re looking for a quote, have a question, or just looking for more information about our products, please contact us and a member of our team will be happy to help.
© 2024 AJ Aluminium Ltd trading as The Sliding Patio Door Co.
This outstanding aluminium system offers a high level of adaptability with a broad range of advanced solutions. Among these is an innovative fully concealed outer frame that creates a smooth transition between spaces and enhances accessibility. It provides a slim 32 mm interlock option, as well as various reinforced interlock combinations to meet the most demanding wind pressure requirements. The intelligent design of the Xlaslide ensures premium performance in terms of weather resistance and thermal ratings.
Triple track sliding doors allow for long stretches of glazing that are ideal for both residential and commercial properties.
Operating on a heavy-duty roller system, the panels slide over each other effortlessly,
helping to fill the space with uninterrupted natural light.
– Complete range of interlocks options
– Double or triple glaze
– Twin & triple track options
– Internally beaded for extra security
– New fully concealed frame option available
– High effective water drainage solution
– High Insulated version
– 32mm superslim interlock available
– Maximum sash size 2500×2500 mm
– Maximum weight 200 kg per sash
– Maximum glazing 36 mm
– Uw value Double glaze – 1,4 W/m2 K
Choose from our fabulous range of traditional D-handle which are available in Gold, smokey chrome, polished chrome, satin chrome, black, white or why not upgrade to our KM9 316 Stainless Steel.
Designed to maximise panoramic views, the slide CT47 patio doors are the perfect alternative to bifold doors as they provide much larger unobstructed glass panels
The CT47 sliding door system is available in both slide and lift & slide versions, and becomes an ideal solution for closing large spans.
The CT47 presents modern aesthetics with a reduced interlock section and large glazed surfaces that ensure bright and comfortable areas, due to its thermal and acoustic performance.
– Complete range of interlocks options
– Double or triple glaze
– Twin & triple track options
– Internally beaded for extra security
– High Insulated version
– The unique designed stainless steel running track allows for Ultra smooth gliding operation regardless the size
– Opening possibilities 2,3,4,6 & 8sashes
– 47mm slim interlock available
– Maximum sash size 2500×3000 mm
– Maximum sliding sash weight 280 kg
– Maximum lift & Slider sash weight 300 kg
– Maximum glazing 36 mm
– Thermal Performance.U Value.1,1 (W/m2K)
– Pass24 approved Accreditation
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